Tokyo, JAPAN


This is a portfolio of artworks created by Yutaka Isayama.


剣をかまえる女戦士 (Female warrior with sword in hand)
剣をかまえる女戦士 (Female warrior with sword in hand)

剣をかまえる女戦士 (Female warrior with sword in hand)


Female warrior with sword in hand

 The sword and sorcery fantasy is based on the medieval period, but ironware has been made since about 2400 B.C., so it could be much older. The older it gets, the more crude the clothing is, so there is no such thing as armor.
 In ancient Egypt and earlier, it was not unusual for women to be topless. Breasts were not something to be hidden. That is the setting in which I made this. However, the sword is not a practical object, but a fantasy exaggeration.

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