This is a portfolio of artworks created by Yutaka Isayama.
遺却の過去を掘り起こす記憶採掘(メモリング) 遠いあの日の彼女の姿 Memory mining (memoring) to unearth the past of the deceased The imag… 続きを読む
古城にて初夏の日差しを浴ぶる姫 なにを思ふや美貌の瞳 A princess basking in the early summer sun at an old castle What are her bea… 続きを読む
うねるサイコマトリックス心地よく 魂(ソウル)でつながるバイオスフィア Undulating psychomatrix comfortably Biosphere connected by soul 一日… 続きを読む
海に棲むゲノム世代のマーメイド 海惑星で原点回帰 Mermaids of the genomic generation living in the sea Returning to its origins … 続きを読む
捜索の手がかりとして絵に残す 時を超えてわたしを見つけて Leave me in the painting as a clue in your search Find me through time &nb… 続きを読む
ワープ酔い裸足がいいといわれたが 半信半疑気分よくなる They said barefoot is good for warp drunkenness I was skeptical, but it mak… 続きを読む
しとしとと雨の惑星散歩する 水着は普段着ここが故郷 Take a walk on a gently and rainy planet Swimwear is everyday wear This is my… 続きを読む