フッと熱力学の悪魔ささやく 定説破る裏切り天使 Suddenly, the devil of thermodynamics whispers Breaking the established rules A… 続きを読む
喜怒まじる妖気ただよい人智超ゆ 怨念まとう偽りの神 A mysterious energy mixed with joy and anger, transcending human knowledge A … 続きを読む
おぼろなメタリックドリームきらきら 麗しコボルト 化合の息 Dim metallic dreams sparkle A beautiful kobold Breath of chemical combina… 続きを読む
浮遊する空の楽園雲の上 ふわりと飛んで天使のように Floating sky paradise, above the clouds I fly softly like an angel
一目見て虜になりしアンダイン 魔性と知るも抵抗できず I was captivated by her at first sight She is Undyne And though she knew it … 続きを読む
士気を高める降下作戦前夜 戦艦上でアテナを演ず On the eve of the descent to boost morale Playing Athena on the Battleship &nbs… 続きを読む
群青の混沌スープ渦巻いて 時を生む創造の女神 Ultramarine color chaos soup swirls and swirls Goddess of creation that gives bi… 続きを読む
陽が昇り妖精の家まばゆくて 魔法を覚え羽を授かる The sun is rising and the fairy house is dazzling I learn magic and receive wi… 続きを読む
異次元に力奪われ永遠(とわ)の時 封印せし沈黙の女神 Eternity after being deprived of power in another dimension The sealed godde… 続きを読む
男には雌の妖精が現れ 心を奪う蠱惑(こわく)の粉 A female fairy appears to a man Dust of enchantment that steals the heart &nbs… 続きを読む