時を超え彼女を捜す危ふくも 古びた写真をたづきとして I search for her through time, even at my peril Using an old photograph as a… 続きを読む
愛すべきマシンに惚れて駆けぬける オレのバイクは彼女の化身 Running away in love with a beloved machine My motorbike is her incarnati… 続きを読む
彼女はやさしき心のメタルボディ 心臓なくても情熱あり She is a metal body with a tender heart Even without a heart, she has passio… 続きを読む
荒れ野に花を咲かせるは聖女なり 失われたる魔法の血脈 She who blooms in the wilderness is a saint The lost vein of magic
果てしなく膜(ブレーン)宇宙かさなりて 次元を越えて彼女を尋ぬ The endless brane universe overlaps I search for her across dimensions … 続きを読む
初恋の彼女はあの日花明かり 言葉をタキオンで送りたい My first love, she was like a cherry blossom that day I want to put words on… 続きを読む
光と闇をつかさどる魔女ひとり 黒き穴へと引きこむ呪文 One witch who controls light and darkness The spell that draws you into the … 続きを読む
古(いにしえ)の神に捧げる巫女の舞い 生死の狭間依り代となり A shaman’s dance dedicated to the ancient gods Between life and de… 続きを読む
回廊に待ち受ける女神の試練 我は扉を通るべからむ The ordeal of the goddess that awaits in the corridor Can I pass through the d… 続きを読む
夏の夕 風と戯る 魔女ひとり 見てはならぬと 鼓動高鳴る Summer Evening Playing with the Wind The Witch Alone Don’t look away… 続きを読む