恒夏にて冬は遠い昔話 緑多くも生くる術あり Summer is a constant, and winter is a distant memory There is a way to live even … 続きを読む
彼女はやさしき心のメタルボディ 心臓なくても情熱あり She is a metal body with a tender heart Even without a heart, she has passio… 続きを読む
眠らないサイバーシティで過ごす日々 肉体は朽ち魂(ソウル)は生きる Days spent in the cyber city that never sleeps The body decays But th… 続きを読む
閉ざされた世界で生きる星の子ら 恋をし子を産み約束の地へ Children of the stars living in a closed world Fall in love, bear children… 続きを読む
在りし日の曾祖母の影を見つけき 飛び続ける世代宇宙船 I found a picture of my great-grandmother from back in the day Generation sp… 続きを読む
不意の0Gに驚きあたふたと 事故かわざとか悪態をつく Surprised by an unexpected 0G and flustered Accidentally, or on purpose, I c… 続きを読む
ふわふわと空で泳ぐ低重力 気分は万有引力かな Fluffy and low gravity swimming in the sky My mood is like universal gravitation… 続きを読む
具象なき無常の世の電脳化 生きる意味は量子ビットかな Cyberbrainification of an impermanent world without concrete I wonder if the… 続きを読む
機械知性との戦いに敗れて 我思うゆえに滅びの道 Losing the battle against the machine intelligence I think, therefore I perish … 続きを読む
物憂げに遠くを見つめ脳裏には 彼がいるイベントホライゾン In the back of her mind, she gazes gloomily into the distance. There he is… 続きを読む