森羅を創る第七のエレメンタル 新たな女神が降臨せし The Seventh Elemental Creator of the Universe A new goddess has descended &nb… 続きを読む
幻像の彼女を具現化させたり 理想と現実のギャップかな I embodied the girlfriend of a phantom The gap between the ideal and the rea… 続きを読む
ひび割れた時空を越えて思い人 彼女はいずこ逆行の時 Across the cracked space-time A person in one’s thoughts Where is she T… 続きを読む
忘却の戦いの日々幾秒か ナノセカンドで勝敗は決す Days of oblivion battle for a few seconds In this world, the nanosecond decide… 続きを読む
可逆の負のエントロピーが支配す 指先から混沌と秩序 Reversible negative entropy prevails Chaos and order at your fingertips  … 続きを読む
描かれた彼女を蘇らせると 呪縛が解けて生気が戻る When I revive her from the painting Her spell will be broken and her life will… 続きを読む
わたしには肉体はなく仮体のみ 感じるエロは妄想のゆえ I have no body, only a virtual one The eroticism you feel is because of your… 続きを読む
幻惑の亜空間は非物質化 存在つむぐ確率の海 The subspace of illusion is dematerialized The sea of probability that binds exis… 続きを読む
流行(はやり)のファッションを纏う君ならば 真空すらもエロスで満たす If you are the one who wears the latest fashions Even a vacuum is fi… 続きを読む
火星で贅沢なお風呂満喫し 昔話の地球を想う Enjoying a Luxurious Bath on Mars Thinking of the earth of old tales