ステイシスフィールドに包まれし彼 数千年紀 目覚めはいつか He who is enveloped by the stasis field Millenniums have passed, and the … 続きを読む
毎夜彼を思いてベッドにひとり 凍結された時間の中で Thinking of him every night, alone in bed In the frozen time
黄昏は思いにふける時間ゆえ 衣を脱ぎて我を見つめる Twilight is a time to dwell on thoughts I take off my clothes and look at mys… 続きを読む
壁画に封縛されしはフレイヤか 次元を破り復活を乞う Is it Freya who is sealed in the mural? Breaking through the dimension and be… 続きを読む
秘められた目にもまばゆい宝もの 黄金よりも愛でたき彼女 The treasures dazzling to the hidden eye She who is more wonderful than gol… 続きを読む
森羅を創る第七のエレメンタル 新たな女神が降臨せし The Seventh Elemental Creator of the Universe A new goddess has descended &nb… 続きを読む
にわか雨 人目に触れぬ 森の精 伝説は消え 彼女は孤独 A shower of soft rain falls The spirit of the forest unseen by the public T… 続きを読む
ひび割れた時空を越えて思い人 彼女はいずこ逆行の時 Across the cracked space-time A person in one’s thoughts Where is she T… 続きを読む
描かれた彼女を蘇らせると 呪縛が解けて生気が戻る When I revive her from the painting Her spell will be broken and her life will… 続きを読む
わたしには肉体はなく仮体のみ 感じるエロは妄想のゆえ I have no body, only a virtual one The eroticism you feel is because of your… 続きを読む