一目見て虜になりしアンダイン 魔性と知るも抵抗できず I was captivated by her at first sight She is Undyne And though she knew it … 続きを読む
長きサバイバル訓練密林で 戦姫の試練 風呂が恋しい Long survival training in the jungle Trials of the Warrior Princess I miss ba… 続きを読む
朝ぼらけ妖精の国きらめいて うつろう追憶 勿忘草(わすれなぐさ) Break of dawn Shimmering in the Land of Fairies Shifting Reminiscence … 続きを読む
群青の混沌スープ渦巻いて 時を生む創造の女神 Ultramarine color chaos soup swirls and swirls Goddess of creation that gives bi… 続きを読む
陽が昇り妖精の家まばゆくて 魔法を覚え羽を授かる The sun is rising and the fairy house is dazzling I learn magic and receive wi… 続きを読む
ついに最終決戦は血の宮殿 魔族を倒し魂救う Finally, the final battle is the Palace of Blood. Defeat the demon tribe and save… 続きを読む
異次元に力奪われ永遠(とわ)の時 封印せし沈黙の女神 Eternity after being deprived of power in another dimension The sealed godde… 続きを読む
灯りつくゴシックファンタジーの夕 冒険の日々安らぎの時 An evening of gothic fantasy with candelabra lights Days of adventure, mome… 続きを読む
自由なく宮廷育ちカゴの鳥 ささやかな反骨髪を切る A caged bird raised in the court without her freedom Cutting her hair as a sma… 続きを読む
男には雌の妖精が現れ 心を奪う蠱惑(こわく)の粉 A female fairy appears to a man Dust of enchantment that steals the heart &nbs… 続きを読む