異次元に力奪われ永遠(とわ)の時 封印せし沈黙の女神 Eternity after being deprived of power in another dimension The sealed godde… 続きを読む
出し抜けにアートの中に迷い込む 二次元からのエスケープは? I am suddenly lost in the art How to escape from two dimensions?
目覚めると次元の迷宮に惑う 物理法則ゆがみし世界 Waking up and being confused in a dimensional labyrinth A world where the laws… 続きを読む
壁画に封縛されしはフレイヤか 次元を破り復活を乞う Is it Freya who is sealed in the mural? Breaking through the dimension and be… 続きを読む
果てしなく膜(ブレーン)宇宙かさなりて 次元を越えて彼女を尋ぬ The endless brane universe overlaps I search for her across dimensions … 続きを読む